What are the key ingredients for successful change management?
The Human Capital Institute (HCI) and International Coach Federation (ICF) have partnered to research coaching cultures in organisations for the past 5 years. This year’s research (2018) focuses on change management and the role of coaching in change initiatives. There was a total of 432 participants in this study, which included Human Resources, Learning and Development and Talent Management professionals, Managers and internal coach practitioners.
They asked respondents to think about the most and least successful examples of change management in their organisation and choose words that characterised the initiatives. The most frequently cited words associated with successful change management were communication, involvement, planning and leadership. The most frequently cited words associated with unsuccessful change management were communication, leadership and planning.
This overlap reveals communication, leadership and planning represent three core features of change management initiatives which determine either their success or their failure.
Further descriptors of successful change management initiatives included; focus, consistency, innovation, organised and stakeholder.
Further descriptions of unsuccessful change management initiatives included; resistance, unclear, fear, rushed and confusion.
The takeaway...
To be successful, individuals with influential roles in change management need to focus the effort, provide consistency and organisation for the stakeholders and address resistance, fear and unclear expectations and information gaps.
What words or phrases would you use to describe successful and unsuccessful change management initiatives in your organisation and why?
Your Next Read: The iceberg of organisational culture & navigating what lies beneath
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